The Running Man

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Seeing red but...

Last night, I went out with a couple of good high school friends of mine for of which came from Melbourne for the car exhibition @ Darling Harbour. Anyway all was going good...having a laugh, sharing memories, and telling stories (the things friends normally do when they catch up...I have known them for 10+ years!) all was fine and good...but one of my friends (lets call him X) asks me about something that I am still feeling strongly about. To make an awkward moment even worse...when I reply to that question (with my tone and body language strongly hinting)...X then proceeds to make these comments about the subject matter which is just so non-sensical and unemotional that got me seeing red. Felt so pissed off at that time and was so tempted just to give him a piece of my mind, BUT I kept a lid on it and just 'walked away' (meaning I didn't say anything) because he was my friend and knowing him, by saying something in response it would only draw it out and we could be there all night...then who knows what else I would have said :P. He is my friend of 10+ years and always will be :).
All I can say is that X's question and comments just simply screams of naiveness and unfeelingness...of someone who has never really had first hand experience(s), so really cannot fault him (but at the same time shouldn't comment on the matter), but arrrghhhh....from my point of view...well lets just say I think of it as just simply lacking common sense and empathy.
Hopefully, he got my hint (but he probably didn't :P) and that would be the end of matter and he won't try to be such an 'expert' :)

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