The Running Man

Monday, October 16, 2006


A funny thought occurred to me (and has been in my head this past week)...that I need to find a church. Any church. I need to find a church, go inside, and well not pray or anything...but just think some things through and ask questions between just myself and (u know). Now, I am definitely not the religious sort of person :P you could say I am looking for enlightenment, affirmation of faith, direction, seeking answers that I know I would never be given...or maybe a combination of all three :).

A crazy thought you must be thinking...well its been crazy time for me here in Sydney :P so who better to answer those questions? Maybe its just me...but let me ask you this: how many times have you wondered (irregardless of whatever religious beliefs you have) what is the 'master plan' for you in life...have things that have happened to you all part of that plan? What does the future hold in store for you? I am pretty sure that everyone would at some stage in their life...ask these questions of themselves (or maybe its just me :P). Of course I am not expecting divine intervention in getting these answers...I suppose its just the opportunity to ask impossible/no answer questions to 'someone' (who would ultimately know the answers but not make it know to you :)

This is just a crazy thought, I won't deliberately go out to find a church...but if I do pass one...

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