The Running Man

Saturday, August 26, 2006


A funny thought and a realisation has occurred to me...Karma does seem exist. You know the age old addage of: "what goes around...come around". Yeah well now that I have looked at certain past events in my life...I can safely say that I have done so not-so nice things to other people (maybe just out of a spur of the moment, alcohol effects or whatever crap reason) and karma really has come around and really bitten me in the ass as punishment. Badly. I do wonder to myself why I am being punished this way...maybe I brought it onto myself for just being me and not really taking a stand; being more perceptive or making a decision and prioritising what I consider to be important in my life. I have been told that things happen for a reason constantly, but I really find it extremely difficult to see what the reason is :P. If you are reading this sometime in the future...remember this lesson and all the experiences you have encountered and don't let yourself get caught up this way.
Life is full of "what ifs..." and regrets...I know it is important not to live life with regrets, but its only human nature to have regrets especially if you do feel strongly about somethings, and you can only rue the lost opportunities and "what ifs...". (especially me who if you know by know can get very emotional about somethings..sigh)

Life is unfair and can sometimes sux. Live it. Believe it. Accept it.

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