The Running Man

Friday, June 01, 2007

Graduate Interviews

Ok as an add on to my previous post regarding graduate CV reviewing, this week I have been involved in taking part in graduate interviews. Haha...I find it funny that its less than 6 months when I was in the "hot seat" answering questions about my life, CV, future direction, etc that I am now in a position where my input would have a bearing on some young (21-22 yo) lawyer's career. Ah ha...finally I get to be the one who asks the "so what where your most challenging moments, or what are your 3 strengths and weaknesses" (typical interview questions which I have always hated). Surprisingly however, EE's interviews was much more relaxed and was like a discussion about the candidate's CV and acomplishments. Having taken part in 3 interviews this week, I would have to say that a candidate's first impression on us is important as well as his/her demeanour. The strange thing is that the candidate I interviewed today, finished high school in 1986! (ie. he was a mature age student...) so it was like totally weird having to ask this guy questions (when he finished highschool whilst I was only 7 yo). It was a good experience and difficult decisions have to be made :)

1 comment(s):

Fark me. You know why thare are ZERO comments? Because you never told us this site existed....

A lot of the graduates coming out of uni now a days are in a totally different league to when we started looking for a job. They have worked overseas, speak multiple languages, worked in multinational companies and have even saved a couple of pandas from a china zoo. But a lot of them have personalities of an amoeba which is why a lot of them don't get past the first interview with us.

Ex Friend

By Blogger Unknown, at 11:44 AM  

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